This week (I may have forgotten last week's post!) the hackspace was a little quiet but still lots going on, including:
- Birthday cakes for Tim and Ben (Tim's cake was rather excellently cooked by Nicholas)
- Archie, Dan, Ann and Barny tried some SMD soldering, and also tried to convert a toaster oven to do reflow with not much success and a lot of melted components
- Ben showed off his awesome 3DPburner DIY laser engraver
- More testing and development work was done on the ESP8266/Accelerometer project (and a prototype PCB was designed and ordered)
- Lots of chatting on how best to measure laser cutter usage and current on the laser tube
- Toby was getting his Raspberry Pi / Atmel ATTiny85 mains current monitoring boards working
- Alan and Tony continued workshop improvements
- James played with a LoRaN shield, and is considering how best to use this
- Steven used the mortiser for the first time
Some crazy laser dude ;)
Marion doing some laser cutter adjustment
This week, we hope to recieve some LED panels (to build a video wall with), and continue some personal projects (perhaps some outside ones as the weather's so nice.